For real estate team owners ready to revolutionize their business

Real Team Owners.

Real Results.


Team Transformations




Agents Coached into higher productivity

Completely transform your team in 12 weeks

Increase Your Per Agent Production, Streamline your systems, & revolutionize your business

Become a real estate machine

Experience the Results of Our Proven System

Create a culture of positive accountability, streamline your operations, and level up your leadership - resulting in a complete transformation with Scale Up.

  • Build an entire bench of talent.

  • Increase your per agent production.

  • Positively shift your culture.

  • Streamline your operations and dial in your processes.

  • Elevate your leadership so YOU are the person your team needs to continue leveling up.

Transform your team with our exclusive scale up program

Get out of the messy middle in your Real Estate Business in just 12 weeks!

Create a team of high-performing agents

Massively Transform your team

The #1 driver of revenue in your business is per agent production. While it's important to consistently build your bench of talent, it's equally (if not more) important to coach your agents into a higher level of production. As you know, it doesn't do any good to have a team of 50 agents with only 10% producing at a high level.

With Scale Up, you receive the full roadmap to dial in your operations and massively increase your per agent production. From scripting to systems and everything in between - THIS is what you need to revolutionize your team.

Supercharge your real estate’s team success

With Scale Up You Will Transform Your Real Estate Team In 12 Weeks!

Skyrocket your results

Real Strategy - No Fluff

Our commitment is delivering 100% actionable business strategies that are broken down into ready-to-implement steps every single week. These strategies are coupled with rock-solid psychology so that you become the leader your team needs to move from being a business operator (working IN your business) to a business owner (working ON your business).

The devil is in the details, and unlike other programs filled with fluff we deliver tactical strategies with step-by-step implementation guides and live Q&A sessions so you're never left to "figure it out on your own."

We are with you every step of the way. We constantly deliver the strategies that work in TODAY'S market because we are in the trenches doing this work with our team right now too. Our success is your success - we hold nothing back!

Unlock your full potential

Get the Proven Roadmap to a Thriving Real Estate Team

Experience massive growth

Get Our Full

12 Week Blueprint

Growth isn't just about increasing your agent count - it's more than that. Leveling up your team's skillsets across the board, increasing your team's volume and GCI, improving your profitability so you KEEP more of the money you make - all of the guesswork is removed so experience massive growth in your business in a fraction of the time with Scale Up.

Break free from the messy middle in your real estate business!

Stop Working IN your business & Become a true business owner with leverage

Here's why our system works

Discover the Difference With Scale Up

We all know WHAT to do, the key to success is actually implementing what you need to do to close the gaps and experience growth. In Scale Up, we not only give you step-by-step exactly what to do, you also receive weekly coaching to ensure successful implementation on your team at every level.

  • Step 1
    Implement proven strategies that leverage the systems and processes to help you scale quickly and efficiently.

  • Step 2
    Uplevel your identity and mindset so that you become the leader your team needs in order to experience success at the next level.

  • Step 3

    Shift your team culture to one of positive accountability and growth. Build out an entire bench of talent AND retain your agents as they grow.

  • Step 4

    Shift your proximity and peer group and surround yourself with other top team owners from around the country.

We’ve helped Real Estate Leaders Just Like YOU

It's Time To Remove the Guess Work and experience massive growth in 12 Weeks

Real success stories from real team owners

Real Results From Our Clients

Want to know what you're capable of?

Level Up as a Real Estate Leader and Have the Business of Your Dreams

Hear how we helped these real estate team leaders transform their entire team

Over 850+ Clients and Counting!

Partnering with Justin and Spring has been an absolute game changer for us. As a team, we have added 16 agents in a relatively short period of time due to the concepts and processes they teach and use themselves. The structure they provide has been invaluable to our growth. We look forward to more massive growth in 2024!

Kory Prince, CountryWide Real Estate

My experience participating in Scale Up has been transformational. The very first thing we benchmarked is the Hello Week. When we started to prepare for our Hello Week, our team religiously joined and studied all of the materials in Scale Up. Our Hello Week was about 75% successful and our agents are following a 30,60,90 onboarding schedule and we are hitting our 20th day of 30 day of onboarding. So far our agents have 2 escrow openings and are hosting 5 open houses in the first 4 weeks.

Sean Shin, The Right Realty Group

We ended up closing 11 transactions compared to 3 we had pending as we entered the month.  All of our trends in Sisu are trending straight up.  Two of my agents hit personal records in December for Conversations, Appointments Set, Appointments Met, Buyer’s Signed, and Under Contract.  

Most importantly, I have 7 agents scheduled to come onboard in January which will double the size of the team…and I have another 5 coming in behind this group!  

Corey Block, eXp Realty

If you’re stuck in the messy middle of leading your team & still being in production

join Scale Up and turn your team into a predictable and profitable real estate machine

Still have questions?

Frequently Asked Questions


You will get the most out of Scale Up if you are a team owner AND you already have a Director of Ops on board who will help you implement the strategies we teach over the next 12 weeks. The reason having a Director of Ops is so important is because you want to make sure you are building a solid foundation that allows you to easily scale to however large you want to grow, without fumbling at each stage. Taking it on yourself, while running a business, while being in production, will most likely leave you feeling overwhelmed and like you're drowning!


Scale Up is 12-weeks, and one module is released every week for the entirety of the program. This is so that you go through the program in bite-sized chunks so you can implement everything step-by-step instead of feeling like you're drinking from a fire hose. In addition to the weekly course modules, every Tuesday at 8 am PST // 11 am EST is a live coaching call with Spring & Justin to go over any questions you have about the course content, implementation, challenges, and how it works in your personal business.


No! When you purchase Scale Up, you have lifetime access to the modules. We know everyone is at different stages in their business, and different content will resonate at different times. This content is yours for LIFE, so you can always come back and review it at different stages. You will also have lifetime access to the program resources.

Our proven systems will show you how to level up in a fraction of the time

streamline your processes, increase your per agent production, & revolutionize your business In Just 12 Weeks

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